A Helpful Reminder From a Past Blog Post
Today I have spent several hours doing some research. I’ve spent time looking up various types of new curriculum choices for homeschoolers, looking at various helpful websites, reading the topics that homeschool speakers “on the circuit” use for their speaking engagements around the country, and reading various emails and blogs from homeschool mothers around the country.
At the end of all of this research, I’m struck once again about how confusing homeschooling has become over the years. Although I’ve seen alot of helpful information today, read alot of wise counsel, and gotten some really great ideas, I’m struck by the fact that NO ONE person or methodology has ALL the right answers for everyone! So many of the emails by homeschool mothers that I have read today seem to be from mothers looking for someone to TELL them what to do for their families and their homeschooling. Everyone is looking for answers and for someone to lead them.
There is much value in obtaining counsel from “older” women and those with more experience. To be honest, it is our responsibility, (those of us who “qualify” as “older” women, to be willing to share and minister to those who are younger and less experienced. However, to be honest, none of us have all the answers.
We MUST remember that God is the one with all the answers and with the plan and design for our lives and the lives of our children and if we forget to seek his face and HIS will above all others,….if we make choices out of fear instead of stepping out on faith, ……if I am swayed by peer pressure or the “method of the minute” instead of being in tune with God’s spirit, then, I am missing ALL that God has for me, for my children and for my family.
I have to admit that I’m burdened for “younger” women and families just beginning the homeschooling journey, and for those who have lost their way along the journey. I have to admit that God has laid on my heart possible ways of ministering to these women……but I have to admit to myself and to them, that the experience of another can HELP with the journey, but it can NOT substitute for each individual seeking God’s leading and direction for the journey.
May God Keep EACH of us on our knees before HIM, seeking for wisdom and guidance along our path.
Faith and Courage,
Lori Lane