“Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work” – C.S. Lewis

Creative and Integrative Learning

In upper elementary, students are still intensely curious. They are beginning to ask deeper questions and are more intent on understanding the world around them. More importantly, they are beginning to understand Who God is and the story he is telling through their lives.

In upper elementary, our classes are intent on helping students to see how each subject and artform points back to God. Our classroom is creative, integrative, hands-on, and bibilically centered. We focus on developing a love of learning, curiosisty, and creativity and helping each student see how every subject, time-period, art form, and personality is part of the greater story of God. At the end of upper-elementary, comes the transitional year of 6th grade.

In 6th Grade, we are intently focused on developing students acaedmicly so they are prepared for Jr. High, relationally as their friendships become more important, and spiritually as they begin to own their faith.

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